Use Powershell Deleting Programs


You can read our article about Powershell login here.

Powershell Windows can sometimes be annoying programs. Sometimes you may think that these programs affect the performance of your computer. In this series of articles, we will tell you how to uninstall many applications-programs. Of course, we will show you how we can do this removal process quickly with powershell. Powershell officail site.


You must run powershell as administrator before running these commands. These operations require running as administrator. Before disabling a feature or program, you should make sure that you really need to do it. Because every service that works may actually work for you.

Pins in the Start Menu

Deleting pins in the start menu. If you want to delete the default pins you see on the start in Windows 10, use this powershell command.

Write-Host "Deelting pins..."
(New-Object -Com Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}').Items()| foreach {
 ($_).Verbs() | ?{$_.Name.Replace('&', '') -match 'From "Start" UnPin|Unpin from Start'} | %{$_.DoIt()}  }


Telemetry is system data that is uploaded by the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component. The telemetry data is used to keep Windows devices secure, and to help Microsoft improve the quality of Windows and Microsoft services. It is used to provide a service to the user as part of Windows.

Disabling Telemetry

Write-Host "Disabling Telemetry..."
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" -Name "AllowTelemetry" -Type DWord -Value 0
with powershell Disable Telemetry Windows

Enablign Telemetry

Write-Host "Enabling Telemetry..."
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" -Name "AllowTelemetry"
with powershell Enable Telemetry Windows

Location Service

Microsoft operates a Location Service that helps determine the precise geographic location of your Windows device. The precise location of your device allows apps to give you directions, show shops and restaurants that are near you, and more.Many apps and services request location information from your device, and the Windows location service gives you control over which apps are allowed to access your precise location.

Disabling Locaiton Service

Write-Host "Disabling Location Tracking..."
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Sensor\Overrides\{BFA794E4-F964-4FDB-90F6-51056BFE4B44}" -Name "SensorPermissionState" -Type DWord -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\lfsvc\Service\Configuration" -Name "Status" -Type DWord -Value 0
 with powershell Disable Locaiton Service Windows

Enabling Location Service

with powershell Enabling Locaiton Service Windows

Wifi Sence

Wi-Fi Sense was a tool for Windows designed to collect data on public Wi-Fi hotspots, such as those available in coffee shops or public buildings. It would collect useful data about the hotspot, such as its speed and signal strength, and upload it to a database.

Disabling Wi-Fi Sense

If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi\AllowWiFiHotSpotReporting")) {
    New-Item -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi\AllowWiFiHotSpotReporting" -Force | Out-Null
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi\AllowWiFiHotSpotReporting" -Name "Value" -Type DWord -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi\AllowAutoConnectToWiFiSenseHotspots" -Name "Value" -Type DWord -Value 0
with powershell Disabling Wifi Sense Windows

Enabling Wifi Sense

Write-Host "Enabling Wi-Fi Sense..."
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi\AllowWiFiHotSpotReporting" -Name "Value" -Type DWord -Value 1
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi\AllowAutoConnectToWiFiSenseHotspots" -Name "Value" -Type DWord -Value 1
with powershell Enabling Wifi Sense Windows

Smart Scan

SmartScreen (officially called Windows SmartScreen, Windows Defender SmartScreen and SmartScreen Filter in different places) is a cloud-based anti-phishing and anti-malware component included in several Microsoft products, including operating systems Windows 8 and later, the applications Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge. SmartScreen intelligence is also used in the backend of Microsoft’s online services such as the web app and Microsoft Bing search engine.

Disabling Smart-Scan

Write-Host "Disabling Smart Scan..."
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" -Name "SmartScreenEnabled" -Type String -Value "Off"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost" -Name "EnableWebContentEvaluation" -Type DWord -Value 0

Bing Search on Windows

Microsoft Bing (commonly known as Bing) is a web search engine owned and operated by Microsoft. The service has its origins in Microsoft’s previous search engines: MSN Search, Windows Live Search and later Live Search. Bing provides a variety of search services, including web, video, image and map search products.

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" -Name "BingSearchEnabled" -Type DWord -Value 0
Disable Bing Search
Write-Host "Enabling Bing Search..."
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" -Name "BingSearchEnabled"
enable bing search

In my next article, we will explain Feedback, Advertising ID, Cortana deletion and deactivation.


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Powershell: A Powerful Scripting Language

Mon Apr 10 , 2023
Powershell is a scripting language that allows you to automate tasks and manage systems on Windows. It is based on the .NET Framework and uses a command-line interface (CLI) and a scripting environment (ISE) to execute commands and scripts.

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